Do you want to provide your pet with a day just as exciting as yours? Here at Brier Creek Pet Hotel we provide a fun and exciting day of activities, exercise and playtime with other dogs. An added benefit of participating in our daycare is your pet will be familiar with the staff and facilities should you choose to board with us in the future.
Individuals or groups are rotated between all of our play areas: large grass yards, wading pools under shade, and water misters. We accommodate dogs suitable for group play or individual care. Enrichment activities are also provided for your pet.
You can visit our business page on Facebook for daily photos of your pet enjoying their day while you focus on yours! Visit us on TikTok and Instagram, as well!
Daycare Packages:
Prices effective Feb 1, 2024.
All new daycare guests are subject to a Behavior Evaluation by our Daycare Director, on their first day. The Behavioral Evaluation determines your pet's response to other dogs and humans. This is subject to a non-refundable fee of $35.00 due on the day of admit. This fee may be waivered if a behavior evaluation is requested during a boarding stay.